Friday, May 4, 2012

Five Minute Friday

Sometimes it's not easy to tell the truth.  Maybe it will hurt someone or you will get in trouble or someone will be disappointed in you, but I know from experience that the truth is the only way to go.  When you tell the truth you never have to worry about what you said or remember what you said, because you will know.  It is the truth not some story to memorize.  The truth keeps you free from fear of being found out., because you are real.  Truth is like a cool breeze on your warm face, it just feels good.  When I have told a fib or an outright lie - no matter how good my intentions are I feel terrible, sometimes I even feel sick to my stomach.  It's just not worth it - always be clean with your words, be honest in your deeds and you won't go wrong.


  1. Patti,
    thank you for using 5 Minute Friday to convey such a simple truth. I'm pleased and honored that you stopped by my blog, followed, and I hope you are blessed by and feel to share what you find there. I hope you'll make 5 Minute Friday (FMF) a regular habit. I have, and enjoy reading what others write as much as I enjoy the challenge of writing myself.
    Peace and good to you.

  2. Truth is just good. I love the idea of a five minute Friday.
